Current Initiatives

Advocating for Emergency Cash Relief at the Federal Level

In partnership with Humanity Forward, we will be pressuring our legislators to pass monthly cash stimulus at the Federal level. Read more about Humanity Forward's national advocacy campaign here.

Proceeds go to Humanity Forward's fund for their Cash Relief Initiative nationwide.
These letters will pressure Senators Schumer and Gillibrand to champion a cash relief bill this week before the senate adjourns for the holidays.

NYC Election: Ranked Choice Voter Education

Ranked Choice Voting will be used for the city-wide primaries in NYC in spring 2021. We are launching a voter education campaign to help inform and engage voters with the new method of voting, and to promote Ranked Choice Voting for statewide and federal elections in the future.

Click here to read more about how Ranked Choice Voting will work in NYC in 2021.

NYC Election: Voter Registration

Did you know that participation in local primary elections can be as low as 15%? We are helping to register new voters, and engage people in the primary and general local elections in NYC.

Interested in helping out with these initiatives?